The New University in Exile Consortium is an initiative created by The New School, home of the first University in Exile, formed in 1933 as a response to the rise of Nazism. The New University in Exile Consortium is our response to the alarming current increase in persecution of scholars worldwide and in attacks on academic freedom.
Founded by Dr. Arien Mack, Alfred and Monette Marrow Professor of Psychology, the New UIE Consortium is an expanding group of 14 like-minded colleges and universities publicly committed to the belief that the academic community has both the moral responsibility and capacity to defend academic freedom and assist threatened scholars and to help protect the intellectual capital that is jeopardized when universities and scholars are under assault. The New School is the convener, organizer, and administrative base of the New UIE Consortium, which now includes Amherst College, Barnard College, Brown University, Columbia University, Connecticut College, Georgetown University, George Mason University, The New School, Rutgers University-The State University of New Jersey, Trinity College, Vassar College, Wayne State University, Wellesley College, and Yale University.
Our mission is to create a sense of intellectual community among exiled scholars and to lessen the profound loss of identity and dislocation that severely impacts their intellectual lives. It is this condition we hope to alleviate through our Consortium activities, which is something not currently done by other organizations in the United States assisting scholars at risk.

We intend to accomplish our mission through a series of programs and projects, some of which include a scholar seminar (led by The New School’s distinguished professor Richard Bernstein), a scholar lecture series, opportunities for scholastic publishing, a scholar summer retreat, and other events that highlight scholars and their work and raise awareness of threats to academic freedom and free inquiry. With the help of Off-University in Germany, we are also organizing tuition-free online courses led by one Consortium academic and one overseas, stranded academic who has been dismissed from his or her position and whose passport has been revoked.
These courses will potentially benefit students both in the US and overseas and will serve as a model for other places in the world where scholars and their academic freedom are threatened.